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Principal Kaitlin Dauner

Woodford Wildcat Community,

On behalf of the entire staff at Woodford Academy, welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. We are looking forward to another incredible year with your family of learning and joy. At Woodford Academy, we are committed to your student’s continued success - academically, socially and emotionally. Continued success and growth of our students is directly correlated with the relationship between school, home and the community. We thank you for your continued involvement in working alongside us to ensure your student receives the very best education. 

My career in education began in Saint Louis Public Schools as a 6th grade all subjects teacher. While there, I also served as a Teacher Coach and Reading/Math Specialist. After spending several years in St. Louis, and obtaining my Masters of Arts in Elementary Education from the University of Missouri-St. Louis, I moved back home to Cincinnati to teach in Cincinnati Public Schools. My teaching experiences range from 3rd to 6th grade all subjects and coaching teachers in grades PK to 8th grade. After receiving my Masters of Education in School Leadership and Organization in 2019 from Columbia University, I became an Assistant Principal at Carson Elementary School, another Cincinnati Public Schools building.

I value continuously learning & listening to communities. I'm looking forward to getting to know the Woodford Community this year. In the meantime, in order for me to get to know the Woodford Community better, please consider taking the community survey below.


Ms. Dauner